Sunday, October 26, 2008

my trip!

Time for me to update again guys! I hope everyone is well..!
Currently i'm abroad in China right an area called Huaiji and will be heading to Guilin within the next few days!
I'm here with a few family members - we're basically out here on a visiting trip to see a rural school that my late grandfather helped fund to build.
The province we are in isn't very well off hence many families cannot afford a simple education for their youngsters - the school aims to change this by providing the necessary amenities and equipment for all those in need.
On a personal level, this is a very meaningful trip for me.
It is an opportunity to see the results of my grandfather's charitable efforts, and more importantly a chance to witness the impact the school has had on the people in the area. I really do hope this good cause is creating benefits for all those involved.
Children really do deserve a proper education, even if it's just basic - this is one of my grandfather's beliefs, so the hard work and contributions must continue!

I will be posting pics from my trip soon! I hear Guilin has some amazing scenic views..looking forward to seeing them with my own eyes!

As promised here are some scans of my Yes! magazine interview and weekly diary...!

I also recently shot a wedding catalog commercial for 芝柏 - here's me on my camera phone in the dressing room when i was bored..haha..i actually felt like it was my own wedding on the day haha - never worn such a white suit before! :P


Wednesday, October 15, 2008


最近收到好多messages都係關心我嘅近況, thank you !
唔知你哋有冇留意報紙同雜誌有我嘅出現呢? 仲有我而家喺YES到寫嘅週記. 如果冇睇嘅朋友, 唔緊要, 我會update喺blog到.
遲D我會出埠, 到時我會影多D相放喺呢到同大家分享. 而未來有咩新嘅進展同埋關於fan club嘅資料, 到時我再同大家講啦!!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008