Thursday, June 26, 2008

PICS - Behind The Scenes!

i hope everyone managed to stay clear of the horrible T8 weather and are safe in their homes - HK is seriously in need of some proper summer weather, and i'm talking about more sunshine!!
anyways, hope the following could cheer up everyone's dampening mood :) -
i remember really clearly the scene you see below with that enormous was shot at 9am and everyone was struggling to keep their eyes open - but we all look pretty awake in the pics tho huh? ;p


funny scene at a classic karaoke-style bar
莎姨's birthday
poster shooting day
my lovely sister's wedding
my happy family and our gigantic mooncake!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

PICS - Sneak Peak!

Here are some behind the scenes shots of the filming of Moonlight Resonance (MR).

This wonderful cast, this wonderful family, has made the entire filming process so gratifying.
I pinch myself everyday for having the opportunity to work and act with such great peers - my brothers & sisters deserve an enormous thank you - thx for always looking out for me, for all the advice and for all the private moments we shared when it was much needed ;)

With time I will post more pics/videos - more sneak peaks of the shooting to come!


Playback time - the place where we crowd round to watch the end result of each scene - also the place where we laugh at NG moments and find out when our job is complete!
荷家 - Family orientated drama so much of the action happens within the household - here's a peak at what my living room looks like
祖家 - The place of evil..haha..(you'll know what i mean eventually) - i think you could see my step-mother somewhere in the picture ><


Me and my japanese schoolboy looking outfit

Me and my bro

First full-cast day - Image/Dress Rehearsal

Monday, June 23, 2008

First Blog

So this is it, my first posting @ my blog!
It's actually been an ambition of mine to have a long-running updated blog - it's pretty bare right now to say the least, but hopefully with time the layout and details will look a lot different to as it is now :)

First and foremost - i would like to take this opportunity to say a HUGE THANK YOU TO EVERYONE
- to all the supporters that i have had the pleasure of meeting in person (thank you all for your kind words), to everyone that have left their best wishes online either on facebook (thx to janice and jacqueline for starting the groups) /forums (thx to the fans for starting the forums - i haven't had the chance to speak to you guys yet but i hope to do so one day :) ), to the people that have left messages on Louisa's blog - your letters of encouragement have seriously meant a great deal to me, to all the youtubers that have published my videos, and i guess in general to EVERYONE that is reading this right now....thank u from the bottom of my heart.

The experiences i have had in these past few months have definitely been the most exciting, breath-taking and overwhelming in my life thus's all new to me as much as i am new to everyone else in the's the beginning of a long long journey (i hope! and i say this with compassion and humility)..but I am glad to be able to share this part of my life with you all. I hope with this blog, we could all share something too - so please do not hesitate to leave your comments/messages - be it happy/sad/amusing/delightful/ long as they are true to the heart.
I look forward to taking this progressive journey together :)
So, here's to new beginnings...and LET'S ENJOY THE RIDE!
